Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Christmas Cheer

So HIPs for everyone just before Christmas. I have yet to be asked to compile or order a HIP and it appears that most of my local agents are arranging them directly with HIP providers. The work seems to still be rolling in but at a noticeably slower pace. I read that last month was the lowest total of mortgage lending since records began (early 90's I think). I have a nasty feeling that 2008 is going to be really difficult and the numbers of transactions will be significantly down on recent years.

On the cost of HIPs I have a local provider who will compile a compliant HIP (freehold) for £275 including VAT. This is the sum I currently ask for on account of disbursements from a Purchaser and I hear that most Sellers are paying the cost of the HIP upfront rather than deferring the cost. So, apart from the leasehold complications which have now been put back to the middle of next year, it appears that HIPs have not proved to be the problem that many suggested (at least from the cost/compiling point of view).

December looms and the usual panics to "be in by Christmas" will soon be starting.
My staff are pressing me to close on Christmas Eve as we usually close at 1pm on that day and they dont think it is worth coming in on a Monday for just half a day. What they forget is that they get five weeks paid holiday a year and we shut between Christmas and the New Year.

To my three readers I wish you a happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year (no chance).